The Hippos.
Our Infant Program, the Hippos, is our youngest age group. They begin their journey at just 4 month old and will remain in this safe and secure environment until they begin to walk which is around 12 to 16 months old. They are diaper checked every 30 minutes and when sleeping they are checked every 15 minutes. The teacher ratio is one teacher to every 3 children.
The Monkeys.
The Monkeys Classroom begins at 17 months and they remain in this class until they reach about 2 and a half years old. The classroom ratio is 1 teacher to every 5 children. Here they begin working on exploring the world around them and learning to share and begin learning to use utensils.
The Zebras.
Children enter the Zebras Classroom once they have turned 2 and remain in this classroom until they are 2 and a half years old. As zebras, they begin strengthening many of the new gross motor skills that they learned in monkeys and then specifying those skills through fine motor development. The classroom ratio is one teacher to every 7 children.
The Giraffes.
Children enter this classroom when they are 2 and a half to 3 years old. This classroom is when the large transition from little children to big kids begins. This is where they prepare to leave diapers and look towards using the toilets. Not all children will successfully use the toilet within this classroom. Those that do not, will learn in the next class. The ratio in this classroom is one teacher to 10 students.
The Cheetahs.
Potty training is a huge part of this classroom and the prior classroom. By the end of the school year in this class, most children will be potty trained. In this age they also begin
The Lions.
The Lions, are absolutely often heard roaring! At this age they truly learn their voice and often times struggle with the impulse control on how and when to use it. They work a lot on impulse control in this classroom and begin the foundation work for early literacy.
The Elephants.
It is fitting that the largest group in our school is also the largest animal in the jungle! These Elephants sure do fit the part. In this class they will further push their cognitive and social emotional skills ever refining them in order to prepare for kindergarten. Here they truly learn their self and what makes them unique and individual and what value they can bring to the group. There is a lot of group activities at this age and also extended learning through numerals and linguistic opportunities.